Monday, September 24, 2012

...Some Robots Fight Space Wars With Alien Forces... #s 25-35

This is the progression of a Star Wars Parody of the Battle of Endor I did for my Some Robots Book. The original, along with the rest of the "Some Robots" poem, can be seen here: 

Droids Included:
4-LOM, C3P0, IG88, Interrogation Droid, Mouse Droid, Viper Probe Droid, R2D2, Sith Probe Droid, R5D4, Gonk Droid, Training Remote.

Space Ships/Stations Included:
Death Star, Millenium Falcon, Star Destroyers, Tie Fighters, X-Wings, Y-Wings, Mon Calamari Star Cruisers.

Lightsabers Included:
Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber and Darth Vader's Lightsaber. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

# 24 Robot with Ghost Pepper


Robot I drew for JJ after a Monster drawing I drew for JJ. (Apparently, according to some (JJ included), the Ghost Pepper is supposed to be the hottest pepper in the world. So hot, in fact, that no robot can handle it :)

The original can be seen here, along with other various ABC Monster drawings: